This series of FX Mannequins were inspired by Method Studios’ sponsor reel
for the AICP Awards in 2016, which can be viewed here.
These were created to showcase Stephanie’s work
using Maya’s dynamic simulation tools.
Most of these were created in 2016 when Hybrid Motion
was previously branded as SC3D.
Volume 1 was the first experiment using motion capture data within Maya.
Stephanie initially wanted to animate these mannequins from scratch, then later decided that the purpose of these videos would be showcasing simulation FX rather than traditional animation, and sourced motion capture data instead.
The FX on this mannequin is a combination of MASH & dynamic particles.
Music: Quixotic - MOON
Above are 2 previews of nHair nurbs before rendering.
Volume 2 was created a few days after Volume 1.
For this video Stephanie wanted to have a more recognisable human form dancing around, rather than a ‘mash up’ of primitive shapes. To achieve this she went for a ‘physical wireframe’ effect, which she created with the MASH toolset.
The ‘mop-head’ was inspired by the red character from Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared and was achieved using nHair and Arnold’s aicurve rendering.
Music: Hydrogen - MOON
Volume 3 was created a week after Volume 2.
The aim for Volume 3 was the change the visual style., as the last two were vibrant and complimentary with colour choice.
For this round Stephanie wanted an edgy, simplistic look. She used Fresnel lighting, no diffuse and no backdrop to quickly create a new-look, and subsequently a quicker render time.
Volume 4 was created separately to Volumes 1 - 3, but still involved a dancing mannequin.
The falling giftboxes and baubles were simulated with a simple particle system, and the baubles scattered over the mannequins mesh were placed with MASH.
This scene remains incomplete.
Pink Yeti was created using the nHair system in Maya and rendered with Arnold.
This mannequin has a similar nHair setup as the Pink Yeti, with the addition of cubes filling the inside of the mannequin.